

Sexuality is one of the most important areas of Relationship Power. The partners’ Sexual expression allows the Relationship to deepen.  Sexual interaction allows strong bonds to form between the participants.

As important as healthy Sexuality is to the success of a Relationship, it is — significantly enough — the area in many Relationships that is least talked about.  Many adults have difficulty discussing Sexual ideas — they stumble over communication of likes and dislikes, not to mention areas of possible Sexual dysfunction.

This difficulty in discussing Sexuality often stems from childhood-to-adolescent programming.  Many who have difficulty with Sex Talk were raised in a family where there was no talk about Sexual topics.  By default, this left the child-turned-adult with the belief that it was avoided in their family home specifically because it is NOT all right to talk about.  Hence, even as an adult, it remains a conversational topic that is forbidden.

This stance is counter-intuitive.  When a topic is so vitally essential to the health of the Relationship, it is likewise essential that it be open to free discussion.  Just as communication is important for couples in other areas, it is perhaps even-more important in the area of Sexuality.

It is my hope that, by openly discussing topics of Sexuality here, it will help “break through” the residual aura of inappropriateness left over from early-life programming.  Once that break-through has occurred, it is my further hope that this results in open Sexual conversation between partners — talk that is easy to accomplish … for the good of the Relationship!